Association of Scholars of Christianity in the History of Art


Image: Theaster Gates. Gone Are the Days of Shelter and Martyr, 2014, installed in the 56th International Biennale di Venezia (Venice, Italy), 2015.

ASCHA | Association of Scholars of Christianity in the History of Art

ASCHA is a scholarly association that seeks to contribute to the study of art history by facilitating critical study of the relations between the visual arts and Christianity in its many social, historical, material, and theological dimensions, and as manifested in many different time periods, geographical locations, and world cultures. Through annual events and publication projects, ASCHA provides a forum for the advancement of research, dialogue, collaboration, and publication in the area of the visual arts. The association is nonpartisan and ecumenical, inviting the participation of scholars of any or no personal faith commitments.

R E S E A R C H | D I A L O G U E | C O L L A B O R A T I O N